March 9, 2012

Steal Like an Artist

I thought I would switch things up today and vent a little bit about something that bothers me :)

Have you ever been looking online or on Etsy and find an adorable pattern that you want to make, only to see a (sometimes rudely written) blurb at the end telling you that this pattern is only for personal use and forbidding you to sell any projects you make from this pattern? I kind of get where they are coming from but I have to admit that I have a completely opposite view of making a pattern available. I am a young adult (as I'm sure much of my readers are) and to be honest, times are tough. Especially in the creative field. If I post a tutorial and you make something from it that you can sell, DO IT! I think it is more important to help build up the sewing and crafting field rather than stifle it by creating a pattern that prohibits someone from selling their project. The only way the economy and the handmade field is going to grow is if people buy handmade items. Etsy cannot grow if it is filled only with patterns and no handmade goods because you are forbidden to make and sell your projects. It is just so silly to me. I am currently reading a book called "Steal like an Artist" by Austin Kleon, which is amazing, and I had to share my favorite excerpt from it:

Whenever I see a pattern that has some over the top, threatening statement telling me that I cannot sell anything I make from that pattern or even any alterations of that pattern like changing the size, strap length, etc (which I have seen multiple times and I think is RIDICULOUS. If I change your pattern, it's not your pattern anymore), all I can think is "Does this person honestly think that they created the first purse?" Purses and handbags and wallets have been around for a lot longer than anyone alive, so to falsely presume that you are the first person to think of a certain pattern for a bag is ludicrous. Ah...feels good to get that off my chest :)

In conclusion, steal like an artist and feel free to make, sell, give away any ideas you see on this blog. All I ask is when or if someone asks where you learned how to make said item, just say "Cold Hands Warm Heart Crafts blog". That's it, not too hard? And honestly, how am I even going to know if you do tell them that haha. I want to empower people to make things for themselves and try to start side businesses and I want creative people my age to make money off of what they sell. You know why? Because that's what I'm doing and I would want someone out there rooting for me to sell every last thing I make. It is insane to assume that the things people out there make from a pattern online is going to make them the next billionaire. It's not. But what is is going to do is help people feed their hobby and make enough money to buy more fabric and more thread and keep learning and growing their creativity. 
I hope I didn't push any buttons ;)

Have a sew-riffic day!


  1. I love you and your view on this issue from artist to another. It is so hard esp now with pinterest to make your own but i feel like one handmade is never like another no matter how hard you try or not try.

  2. I agree with Steph. I try to credit sources and be respectful if someone else is trying to make money off of their design but really... if I can figure it out without buying your pattern, I feel like it's just as much mine as yours. But you are right, it totally is a hot button issue right now.

  3. I couldn't live this post anymore than I already do. Very well said. This is a huge issue that comes up in the knitting/crochet world too. Copyright laws, as I understand them, only cover the item made from a pattern. So, I couldn't buy something you made, and.claim that I did it. If i purchase a pattern, however, an item made and sold from it is not covered under those laws. Along those same lines,.I can't take someone's pattern and pass it off as my own.

    Again, thank you for this post!!

  4. I couldn't live this post anymore than I already do. Very well said. This is a huge issue that comes up in the knitting/crochet world too. Copyright laws, as I understand them, only cover the item made from a pattern. So, I couldn't buy something you made, and.claim that I did it. If i purchase a pattern, however, an item made and sold from it is not covered under those laws. Along those same lines,.I can't take someone's pattern and pass it off as my own.

    Again, thank you for this post!!

  5. it really cracks me up when people try to sell those 'for personal use only' tutorials/patterns that you can find for free elsewhere on the internet...

  6. When I see those warnings it makes me not want to even purchase the item anyway, and I am not even thinking about selling any items.

    It is great that they want to share, but if you want to share you have to be willing to give it up. Once it is purchased or put on the internet it is no longer yours, or that is the way I feel.

  7. So well said and I completely agree!

  8. THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE! I'm so glad I didn't get any angry responses, but rather people who feel the same way I do! It has been bugging me for some time now. And I agree that sometimes when I see those warnings it makes me not want to purchase the pattern at all.

  9. I just today came across your blog via Pinterest and I love it. I want to thank you for this post I totally agree with you. I personally try not to buy any patterns that I find that's "for personal use only". Steal like an artist and do it with pride :)
    Thank you again.

  10. tag your it!

  11. You seriously rock! :) I guess I've always understood why people put that...but I totally agree with you!!
