February 14, 2012

My Pleated Clutch from Keyka Lou Patterns!

Here is another Pleated Clutch that I made this morning from Keyka Lou Patterns.

It was surprisingly easy! Especially since the directions are so fantastic!


  1. You made this in one morning!? Amazing!
    Happy valentines day!

  2. Did you use your standard SF101 interfacing for this project?

  3. Happy Valentines to you too, Kelli!

    Hi Liz,
    I actually used Pellon Craft Fuse. Its a little sturdier and since my fabric was really thick I wasn't too worried about wrinkling. The tutorial says to use muslin and fleece to interface the lining material but I used some mystery fabric (I'm not sure what it is, I found it in the remnants bin at Joann's) and the fabric was thick and kind of waterproof feeling so I didn't think it was necessary to use any interfacing for the lining.

  4. Thanks, Caroline! That helps a bunch! I was trying to figure out what would be a better option for interfacing if I wanted something a little stronger than the SF101. I like the SF101 a lot because its cotton. Other interfacing options maybe sturdier but I feel like I could easily puncture a hole in it with my finger.

  5. I agree, SF101 creates such a nice finish and moves so well with the fabric. I like the sturdier stuff for a bag like this, but on a thinner material fabric there is the risk of seeing wrinkling and puckering. I actually made another version of this out of quilting cotton and used the same Craft Fuse and it does feel nice and sturdy but I can definitely see more wrinkles than I would like.

    I was actually just about to put up a post that Joann Fabrics has all interfacing on sale this weekend for 50% off!! I'm going to stock up and buy about 15 yards of SF101. For $37.50 to get that much of my favorite interfacing you can't beat it! :)
